Studies and Surveys

What drives the real estate industry? How are energy consumption, heating costs and the efficiency of heating systems changing and what role does sustainability play in this? We regularly conduct studies and surveys on these and other topics. You will find the results and other exciting insights here.

Deep dives on decarbonization, digitalization and energy efficiency in buildings

Techem Consumption Figures Study 2022: Levers for improved building efficiency

Greater awareness of sustainability and, above all, the rise in electricity and gas prices are taking the energy debate from the political stage to German households.

Sustainable energy is not only an issue for the industry, but also its responsibility: how can we save energy, make it affordable and – above all – continue to make it available for everyone in our country – regardless of whether they live in an apartment building, a detached or semi-detached house, rent, own or live in an old or a new building?

Our Techem consumption data study 2022 contributes to this stocktaking. It shows where we stand, where we need to go, and what we can realistically achieve. It is based on the evaluation and analysis of data on consumption and costs for heating and hot water from 1.4 million German homes in around 120,000 apartment buildings in 2022.

Core results at a glance

The Consumption Figures Study 2022 reveals the high potential for reducing emissions through a combination of digital solutions and efficient user behavior. Assuming an increase in efficiency of about 15 percent, there is an additional savings potential of roughly 1.9 million tons of CO2e in Germany alone. 

20 %

reduction in final energy consumption in 2022
compared to the previous year due to optimized
user behavior, installation efficiency and warmer weather

15 %

potential savings and avoidance in final energy and 
CO2e emissions through digital heating monitoring as well as
optimized operational management, incl. improved emission class

20 %

average energy savings through 
consumption-based heating cost billing

90 %

of buildings are suitable for a heat 
pump, if radiators are replaced

62 %

higher emissions in billing portfolio 
than target set by CO2 levy law

Further information on the Consumption Figures Study 2022

[German versions only]

Our media team

Katharina Bathe-Metzler

Head of Sustainability, Communications & Public Affairs

Phone: +49 (0) 61 96/5 22-26 77

Janina Schmidt

Head of Corporate Communications

Phone: +49 (0)174 - 7444137