Sustainability Reporting at Techem

In the fight to mitigate the effects of climate change, transparency is a crucial weapon, bringing to light successful efforts and critical data and also celebrating those who have stepped up their own programs to contribute to our overall success as a society. With this in mind, public reports are essential, and in 2024 Techem published its fourth Sustainability Report, highlighting our progress across a range of initiatives related to environmental, social, and corporate governance (ESG) criteria.

About the Techem Sustainability Report

The Techem Sustainability Report offers detailed insight into the company’s ESG activities. Our efforts are not only assessed by our own teams, but are also scrutinized by external stakeholders, in compliance with Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) standards, as well as the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD).

Holistic understanding 

Our actions and reporting are centred on a holistic understanding of sustainability, which includes not only climate and environmental protection, but also safeguards to individuals and society and a binding commitment to ethical corporate management. Across the ESG triumvirate, we have established clear goals and targets to track our progress and impact:

  • Environmental: We want to make a positive contribution to the energy transition in the real estate sector and generally. 
  • Social: We stand committed to create a safe and attractive working environment and contribute to our community.
  • Governance: We ensure responsible company management and operations geared toward long-term, sustainable value creation.

The fourth Techem Sustainability Report constitutes a scorecard in our progress toward becoming carbon neutral by 2045. It summarizes the goals we have defined as part of our sustainability strategy and describes our double materiality analysis.

Since we first published the report in 2021, we have consistently improved our reporting standards and transparency. Notable achievements highlighted in the report include developing a roadmap to climate neutrality in Scope 1, 2 and 3 by 2045, conducting life-cycle assessments for selected equipment, and switching to green electricity at Techem sites. Also, we always offer a renewable energy alternative for heating solutions in our contracting business.

To effectively implement our sustainability strategy, we have defined clear targets and key performance indicators (KPIs), allowing us to make our commitments transparent across all business units. Our activities also benefit the entire value chain against many of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), a set of 17 goals, defined further into 169 sub-goals, to guide public and private leaders address the greatest economic, social, and environmental challenges facing the world. 

Our reporting continues to evolve annually

85 Reported GRI-Norms
30 Assured KPIs
4 Published Sustainability Reports

Advancing UN Sustainable Development Goals

Techem is committed to supporting the SDGs and contributing directly to their implementation through our business model. Our focus is on eight goals that are especially relevant to our products and services:

Through our products and services, we strive to provide access to affordable, reliable, sustainable, and modern energy for everyone. Our consumption-based heating cost billing provides up-to-date consumption information throughout the year, including a submetering and contracting offer, which actively contributes to reaching this goal.   

Our legionella testing or smoke alarm service lines contribute to the residential health of tenants of the buildings we protect, while our efforts to create a healthy working environment focus on the well-being of our employees and community.   

Techem has set itself the goal of achieving a 35% share of women in management positions by 2025. As a company, we stand for equality and have already taken further steps to create equal conditions for all employees with measures such as establishing a diversity network, obtaining the "berufundfamilie" certificate and regular training on diversity issues. 

We create transparency on water consumption, raising awareness for resource-saving management and conservation. We also ensure water quality through our legionella testing and drinking water quality technologies.   

About 63 million Techem devices have been installed worldwide to record heat, water, cooling, and electricity usage and provide smoke alarms. About 84 percent of these devices can be monitored remotely. These solutions help build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization, and support innovation.   

Our ongoing innovation efforts focus on neighbourhoods, helping to embed sustainable heat supplies and, through our systems for e-charging, mobility solutions. These contribute to making communities inclusive, safe, resilient, and sustainable.   

We focus on sustainable production and a transparent supply chain by adhering to material compliance and implementing the applicable standards (REACH, RoHS, PoP Regulation) and the German Act on Corporate Due Diligence Obligations in Supply Chains (Lieferkettensorgfaltspflichtengesetz, LkSG). To this end, we have added sustainability criteria to our purchasing strategy and supplier selection. We regularly set ourselves targets - such as establishing an environmental management system, reducing paper consumption or developing a circular economy for our products - in order to ensure sustainable product cycles in the long term.

Through our products and services, as well as public outreach programs to educate consumers, we support the proper use of heat and hot water. Core to encouraging conservation and waste reduction, we provide tenants with transparency on their consumption throughout the year.

Techem Sustainability Report 2023

Read the fourth Sustainability report now or download the file as PDF in the next section.

Our media team

Katharina Bathe-Metzler

Head of Sustainability, Communications & Public Affairs

Mobile: +49 (0)1522 413 6702

Janina Schmidt

Head of Corporate Communications

Phone: +49 (0)174 - 7444137